I’ve been using MFA with Office 365 for some time. I was using the Authenticator app on my smartphone and entering the six-digit code when I was challenged by the…
Posted in: Cloud, Office 365, Tip
How to Build an AI-based Recommendations Service in Azure and Microsoft Cognitive Services Overview We’ve all seen Amazon’s clever ‘Customers who bought this item also bought…’ feature on their website.…
Posted in: AI, Cloud
tagged with: AI, Azure, AzureML, Collaborative filtering, Machine Learning, Recommendations Service
MBM Limited have launched a new service for local businesses who need help with Microsoft Azure. Jason Timmins, technical director at MBM, explains: “Moving to the Azure cloud can be…
Posted in: Cloud
MBM Ltd has launched a new service which offers businesses further protection of data they store in the Cloud. Wombourne based MBM has launched a new Cloud-to-Cloud Backup service for…
Posted in: Cloud, Data Backup
Clients and Customers now expect to log on to free, good quality and fast WiFi when they enter Retail or Office locations. If you’re not providing this free WiFi, your…
Posted in: Cloud
tagged with: free wifi, managed wifi, wifi, wifi encryption, wifi for customers
Technology News – The Guardian warns of possible security breech with the introduction of in-flight internet Hackers on commercial flights could now bring down the plane they are on by…
Posted in: Cloud
tagged with: free wifi, guest wireless, Hosted services, I.T. Continuity, IT Disaster Recovery, IT Support, managed wifi
Think about a day without computers or tablets, whether for personal or business use – could you cope – how would you feel? So what do you do when your…
Posted in: Cloud, Office, Online Backup
tagged with: Back-up, back-up solution, cloud technology, Hosted services, I.T. Continuity, IT Disaster Recovery, IT Support West Midlands
There are great advantages to cloud computing services and no wonder it is becoming an easy choice for businesses: the minimal upfront costs, pay-as-you-go cost structure, flexible access to software…
Posted in: Cloud, Office, Tip
tagged with: cloud, cloud technology, Disaster Recovery, Hosted services, I.T. Continuity, IT Disaster Recovery, IT Support West Midlands, windows xp, working in the cloud
We have all been to venues where there are ‘follow-us’ signs for the latest Social Media platform or offers to win the latest i-pad in exchange for your contact details.…
Posted in: Cloud, Tip
tagged with: free wifi, Internet, internet gateway, managed wifi, segregating wifi, what is an internet gateway, wifi for customers
We’ve been providing VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol or Voice Over IP – telephone services for our customers for years. How does it work? The phone call travels over…
Posted in: Cloud, Tip
tagged with: Cheap Calls, Cheaper telephone calls, internet gateway, Internet telephone calls, VOIP