MBM has been writing software for businesses since 1990. Whether you need something in Office or a full on-line database-driven web application, we have the knowledge and experience to write a bespoke programme in a controlled, cost-effective manner.

Database Design

At the heart of most of our bespoke programming projects is a database. MBM is highly experienced in designing relational databases as our technical staff have formal training in relational modelling. Most of our database design is focused on web-based databases. However, we are happy to work in both Access and DataEase.

Web-based Databases

There are considerable benefits from implementing your database as a website. Whether it’s accessible directly from the Internet or only by your staff, a web-based system means that there is no software to be installed on a user’s computer and therefore no issues with version updates and compatibility.

If required, web-based databases can be accessed by anyone on the Internet. This  means that customers can search for items they are looking for or can enter information directly into your systems. It’s this level of 24×7 convenience that customers like and that businesses of all sizes are required to provide.

Online Bill Production System

MBM has developed an online bill production system which involves the production of bills conforming to BS 8463:2005 “Specification for customer billing practice” standard for utility companies.

The system produces bills on-demand for customers via the web and also at high volume for printing and delivery by post. We can write the software and host it online at our data centre.

If you would like to find out more about our Bespoke Programming services, then please call us to arrange a meeting. You’ll meet an engineer, not a salesman! Call 01902 324494 or email sales@mbmltd.co.uk