Managed Hotel WiFi Hotspot

  • Are guests complaining about your unreliable hotel WiFi hotspot?
  • Want to gather contact details from your WiFi users?
  • Would you like to offer a premium (chargeable) WiFi service to VIPs, business travellers and conferences?

If you are a Best Western hotel owner, our service is Best Western WiFi compliant.

WiFi HotspotMBM Managed WiFi Hotspot combines world class WiFi equipment with our own guest portal to offer unmatched levels of functionality and reliability for your hospitality WiFi.

We focus on making WiFi work for your hotel and drive repeat business. Our solution captures contact information and automatically signs guests up to your newsletter. An easy-to-use online newsletter system then lets you create great looking newsletters and monitor the response.

Don’t let WiFi be a cost, let it drive repeat business! A small hotel in Oxford installed our solution and captured 350 contacts in the first week.

Contact growth in the last 3 months for a small hotel

Contact growth in the last 3 months for a small hotel

Customised Portal

Guests attempting to access your WiFi will be redirected to a portal. How the portal looks and how it works is highly configurable. Here are a few examples of how it can work…

Complete a Form/T&Cs – Ask the guest to enter some personal data and (optionally) agree to your T&Cs (more information below on what can be done with that useful data.)

Simple Password – You just give the guest the WiFi password (perhaps like you do today.)

Voucher – You can issue/sell the guest a voucher that gives (say) 2 hours of Internet access.

Text to Browse – Ask the guest for a mobile number then text them a code to let them browse (there by capturing their mobile number.)

Pay to Browse – Pay online using Paypal to use the WiFi for a period of time.

Also in development…

Facebook Like, Tweet or Check-in – Ask a guest to mention your site on social networks in exchange for free WiFi (excellent for promoting your site on social media.)

Multi-language – The portal appears in the language of the guest’s web browser. Naturally, the portal branding can be tweaked to match your own styles.

MBM Managed WiFi Portal Screengrab

MBM Managed WiFi Portal Screengrab

Collect Marketing Information

The portal will allow you to collect various items of information from the guest in exchange for Internet access. You can use this data to assist your marketing efforts. For instance, we can automatically subscribe the guest to your mailing list. We work closely with Constant Contact to ensure that great looking newsletters are dead easy to make and send.

If not, we can simply send this information to you as an Excel file. We believe that you should be able to use your free WiFi service as a way of obtaining useful marketing data about your guests. MBM Managed WiFi enables this.

Premium WiFi

Often hotels in a chain are expected to provide a basic WiFi service for free, however, there’s nothing to stop you offering a premium WiFi service at a small cost or to important guests or conferences. MBM Managed WiFi can place limits on the basic guest WiFi service but remove those limits for your premium customers. There by offering a tiered WiFi service.

External WiFi

We offer a range of external WiFi hardware that allows you to offer coverage in the grounds outside your building. This could allow for gardens, smoking areas, marquees and special events all to have WiFi access.

Next Step

If you’d like to discuss a MBM Managed Hotel WiFi hotspot for your business, please call or Email our team and we’ll take you through it. 01902 324494