We all grumble about email, but what if you couldn’t access it for 4 days?

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‘Great, I could get on with some work’ a lot of business leaders might say. Most business people receive on average 42 emails in MBM_42Emails_Blog_smalltheir inbox everyday, and for many it can run into hundreds.

And while many of these admittedly can be junk mail it’s likely that unless you run a totally automated online business, email is the vital conduit that ensures your business runs smoothly.

Imagine then the chaos that would ensue if you and your team/s were with out access to business emails, not for just one day but for up to four working days. This would impact every part of the organisation, from new business, scheduling, order processing, delivery – everything. To make matters worse most businesses using Microsoft Outlook would also suffer the knock on effect of using integrated calendars, a problem exacerbated once networks of staff all sharing calendars are involved.

The four horsemen of the I.T. apocalypse

That is likely to be the real outcome of any one of a number of disasters that can befall an organisation –

  • Flooding is more common than ever before with 2012 now the second wettest year on record
  • Theft is on the increase due to a tougher economic climate
  • Hardware crashes can occur, even to relatively new equipment
  • Fire can never be ruled out
  • Virus attacks are on the increase due to the rise of mobile and tablet technology

Jason Timmins, Micro-Business Maintenance technical director, said:

Too many business owners think IT disasters won’t happen to them. If their computers or server gets stolen or damaged they’ll just quickly replace them. But they fail to appreciate how long it can actually take to install the operating system and the software onto new hardware, install a new data server with all the patches and security updates, and restore data from any backups. And during that period how many enquiries may be lost, sales unable to be fulfilled, or staff unable to access files and use email? But with the right Disaster Recovery / I.T. Continuity solution in place this process can take a few hours. If you’ve ever had a computer problem at home and tried to fix it, imagine it ten-fold at work!”

So as we plan the year ahead, cast an eye across your email inbox, then consider that the average daily cost of Disaster Recovery Support* equates to the same amount spent on typical daily business costs such as a pack of printer paper or a Skinny Latte and Ham Panini for lunch!.

Free Disaster Recovery ‘second opinion’

Why not put us to the test and book a free ‘Disaster Recovery second opinion’ from MBM for us to review the security of your I.T. ? For more information email Jason Timmins, Technical Director at jason@mbmltd.co.uk, visit mbmltd.co.uk/DisasterRecovery or contact us on 01902 324494

*Based on supporting one server

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